The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne
Anna Selbdritt is the last large-scale painting by Leonardo da Vinci. It is dated 1502-1516. It shows the boy Jesus playing with a lamb. Reaching for him is the Madonna, mother of Jesus, sitting on the lap of her mother, Saint Anne. The painting is now in the Louvre in Paris.
The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne
Leonardo da Vinci
around 1502-1516
Oil on wood, 168 × 113 cm (168 × 130cm with later widening)
Musée du Louvre, Paris
The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne (Burlington House cartoon)
Leonardo da Vinci
around 1499-1502
Charcoal with white chalk on paper and mounted on canvas,
141.5 × 104.6cm
National Gallery, London
What is represented?
Coming Soon
History of the painting
coming soon
Geometric analysis
coming soon
Coming soon
Sigmund Freud's image analysis
coming soon
Website of the exhibiting museum: Louvre-Museum, Paris
Frank Zöllner, Leonardo, Taschen (2019)
Martin Kemp, Leonardo, C.H. Beck (2008)
Charles Niccholl, Leonardo da Vinci: Die Biographie, Fischer (2019)
Johannes Itten, Bildanalysen, Ravensburger (1988)
Die Bibel, Einheitsübersetzung, Altes und Neues Testament, Pattloch Verlag (1992)
Highly recommended
Marianne Schneider, Das große Leonardo Buch – Sein Leben und Werk in Zeugnissen, Selbstzeugnissen und Dokumenten, Schirmer/ Mosel (2019)
Leonardo da Vinci, Schriften zur Malerei und sämtliche Gemälde, Schirmer/ Mosel (2011)