Leonardo da Vinci – Anna Selbdritt

The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne

Anna Selbdritt is the last large-scale painting by Leonardo da Vinci. It is dated 1502-1516. It shows the boy Jesus playing with a lamb. Reaching for him is the Madonna, mother of Jesus, sitting on the lap of her mother, Saint Anne. The painting is now in the Louvre in Paris.

To men it will seem as if something will fall from the sky again, and it will seem to them as if they will rise up in it for flight and flee from it for fear of the flames that will come down from it, they will hear the animals speaking in every kind of human language, they will immediately reach different parts of the world with their bodies without moving, they will see a great glow in the darkness. O amazement of the human race! What madness has led you thus? You will speak with the animals of every species, and they with you, in the language of men, you will see yourself falling from great heights without hurting yourself, torrential rivers will accompany you and incorporate you into their rapid course, you will have carnal intercourse with your mother and your sisters [illegible] you will have feathers with the animals [illegible]

Leonardo da Vinci A Riddle of Dreaming, Codex Atlanticus, Folio 393 Front Page
Leonardo da Vinci – Anna Selbdritt
Leonardo da Vinci – Anna Selbdritt Burlington House Cartoon

coming soon


The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne
Leonardo da Vinci
around 1502-1516
Oil on wood, 168 × 113 cm (168 × 130cm with later widening)
Musée du Louvre, Paris

The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne (Burlington House cartoon)
Leonardo da Vinci
around 1499-1502
Charcoal with white chalk on paper and mounted on canvas,
141.5 × 104.6cm
National Gallery, London

What is represented?

Coming Soon


History of the painting

coming soon


Geometric analysis

coming soon



Coming soon


Sigmund Freud's image analysis

coming soon


Website of the exhibiting museum: Louvre-Museum, Paris

Frank Zöllner, Leonardo, Taschen (2019)

Martin Kemp, Leonardo, C.H. Beck (2008)

Charles Niccholl, Leonardo da Vinci: Die Biographie, Fischer (2019)

Johannes Itten, Bildanalysen, Ravensburger (1988)

Die Bibel, Einheitsübersetzung, Altes und Neues Testament, Pattloch Verlag (1992)

Highly recommended

Marianne Schneider, Das große Leonardo Buch – Sein Leben und Werk in Zeugnissen, Selbstzeugnissen und Dokumenten, Schirmer/ Mosel (2019)

Leonardo da Vinci, Schriften zur Malerei und sämtliche Gemälde, Schirmer/ Mosel (2011)

Nobody is perfect - this also applies to nicofranz.art!

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